Facility Sanitation & Social Distance Policy (COVID-19)
All persons entering the buildings must wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth. Masks should fit snugly against the face and should be worn at all times.
All students/participants will be dropped off and picked up from the parking lot in a drive-through fashion. One staff member will be outside accepting students. Another staff member will be inside waiting to receive students and will sanitize all hands and take temperatures as students arrive. All lobbies are closed until further notice.
Each student will remove street shoes and place them in a cubby at the main entrance of the classroom.
Dance bags and belongings will be placed in an individual cubby or chair assigned to each dancer in the dressing room and or classroom.
The classrooms are taped in 6 ft areas leaving space between each dancer. Dancers will take the majority of the dance class in their allotted space inside of the classroom.
There is a taped-off area in the classroom for water. Dancers can take sips of water during class times as needed in the lobby of the buildings. The office area is also closed and access to the studio refrigerator and microwave have been restricted. No hot-food items are permitted in the studio at this time.
Teachers will use hand sanitizer before and after assisting individual students with movement during classes.
Restrooms are closed to the public. Only dancers and staff are allowed to use the restrooms. Dancers will reapply hand sanitizer after restroom use.
Between each class all used equipment and surfaces will be wiped with disinfectant including floors, sinks, toilets, chairs, door handles, doorknobs, and common areas.
New students arriving are met by staff members outside of the entrance to the building and will have their temperature taken after departing dancers exit.
No electronic devices are allowed outside of the students' dance bags. If a student needs to bring a cell phone to the studio it must be placed in a ziplock bag and kept in the dancer’s bag.
Dancers are not allowed to stay in the dressing rooms between classes unless they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or can provide the studio with a negative COVID-19 test (via email info@neemadancecollective.com) taken no less than 72 hours before arrival. Dancers will be permitted to enter and exit 6 minutes before classes begin following the guidelines in this policy.
Parents of students that show a positive COVID-19 test result must report the information to the studio via phone or email immediately. Students that test positive must quarantine for 14 days and show proof of a negative test before returning to the studio.
Students that travel outside of the DMV (DC, MD, and VA) must show proof of a negative COVID-19 test to return to the studio within three days of return from vacation.
Students that have been placed on quarantine from school or other educational institutions must also quarantine from the studio or present a negative COVID-19 test result.
Dancers showing any cold or flu-like symptoms (including runny nose, headache, fever, chills, congestion, etc.) in the last 48 hours should remain home. If staff members notice a student that seems ill, parents will be notified to pick up the dancer immediately. The dancers' temperature will be re-checked via a laser thermometer, and the dancer will be removed from the class.
The entire studio will be wiped down completely and cleaned thoroughly.